Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Top Ten Favourite Top Ten Tuesday Topics

It’s Tuesday again, and that means another edition of Top Ten Tuesday, the awesome link-up where bloggers get to share their favourite things. Today is special, because it’s the 5th anniversary of Top Ten Tuesday. Hooray! In honour of this momentous occasion, this week we’re sharing our top ten favourite Top Ten Tuesday topics ever. I’ve been participating in Top Ten Tuesday for over a year now, and there have been some amazingly fun topics in that period of time. Here are some of my absolute favourites. All post titles are linked to the corresponding posts.


Books are amazing, and so is a well done book to move adaptation. This is one of the most recent topics, and it was so much fun to imagine what books would look like if they were turned in movies or TV shows. It was even better to see which books everyone wanted adaptions for. Cinder and The Raven Boys were particularly popular. Hopefully we’ll great movie adaptations of them in the future.


I have some very strong views on what I like and dislike when it comes to romance in my books (trust and respect, yes, love triangles, no). It was great to have a chance to share some of these opinions with you guys. Turns out my readers had some interesting opinions of their own, and we had some great conversations in the comments.


We all know some characters that we would love to spend time with. If I went to school and had a lunch table, I know just who I would ask to sit with me. It’s funny, but pretty much all of the characters I chose were picked for their awesome senses of humour.  What does that say about me?


I’ve always found that the best way to discover new books is to see what other people are recommending. This prompt encouraged me to list a few of the books that interested me after seeing people’s recommendations. Doesn’t mean I’ve read them yet, but at least I have a list for future reading, right?


You may have noticed by now that I am a huge fan of fantasy. There are just so many great fantasy books out there waiting to be read and loved. Thanks to this awesome topic, I got a chance to share a list of some of the awesome fantasy books that I think everyone should try at least once.


Everyone knows at least one character who has amazing survival skills and could live a year I the wild armed with nothing but a toothpick and three jellybeans, I’m sure. This list sums up most of the characters I’d take with me if I ever had to go into a survival situation. One of them may or may not have been my own character. I apologise for nothing.


I love movies, almost as much as I love books. There are some many awesome stories to be told in so many different ways. This topic let me share a few of my movies, which range greatly in genre, from animated movies, to action, and even a romance or two in there somewhere.


I’m sure we’ve all got our own blogging quirks and bad habits. In this topic, I had to share some of my worst confessions. If I’m very honest, I must confess I haven’t really learnt from my past mistakes. I’ve just developed a whole new list of confessions to replace the old ones. Maybe we should revisit this topic in the future so I can confess some more terrible blogging crimes.


I love books from all time periods. Some of my favourites happen to be classic novels, like Jane Austen’s. It’s not often that I get to share my love for the classics, so it was great to be able to share ten of my favourites, especially the ones that a lot of people hadn’t read before, like the novels of Wilke Collins.


As you may know, I am a huge fan of rewritten fairytales. I read them, I write them, and I share them with my friends and family. A year ago I’d read enough to make choosing just ten for the list difficult. I have no idea how I would ever cut my favourite rewritten fairytale list down to a mere ten.

These are some of my favourite topics we’ve covered since I joined this awesome link up. What are some of yours? What’s your favourite topic from my list here? What’s a topic you would love to see (or see again) in the future?


  1. Great list!! There were way too many topics from the past five years to choose from for my post!! I had a difficult time narrowing down which ones made my TTT post for this week.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/06/top-ten-tuesday-my-ten-favorite-top-ten.html

    1. There have been so many great prompts, haven't there? I've only been doing them for a year but I've loved pretty much every one I've joined in on.

  2. I read your list of BLOGGING CONFESSIONS. I notice that you said sometimes you forget to make comments. I was thinking about TTT and comments. I've been posting on TTT since 2010. In the beginning I would get 20-30 comments per post and now I am lucky if I get 5. I know this because I looked back on so many of the old posts looking for my favorites. I wonder why fewer people make comments? Do you think it is because aren't really going and looking at other posts or there are just so many participants it is too hard to get around and make comments on very many? My Favorite TTT Posts

    1. You'd think that with more bloggers joining in there would be more comments, but apparently not. I think people are getting into the lazy habit of waiting for other people to come and comment on their posts without doing the hard work of going out there and finding people for themselves. I know I try to get around to at least a few people, depending on how much time i have, and I comment back too as my regular policy, but I don't think everyone wants to spend the time going through the list any more. Which is a real shame, but it does make kind people like you so much more valuable.

  3. I love this weeks topic, I'm getting to see so many topics that I have missed. You chose some brilliant topics :) The blogging confessions was a fun topic and I enjoyed going and seeing what everyone put for that, especially as I shared a lot of the same ons. I found it so hard to just do 10 books I want to see as movies, I have sooooooo many that I would love to see. Here's my TTT if you want to check it out :)

    1. It's kind of comforting to see that other people are just as imperfect as bloggers as you, isn't it? I know for me it was hard to admit I wasn't perfect, but so nice to see that no one else was either!

  4. Great list , I've only been participating in TTT for about 6 months so I've not got to do a lot of them yet. I do have Books I'd like to see as movies post. Here is my TTT: http://mountainrhinestones.blogspot.com/2015/06/top-ten-tuesday-16.html

    New GFC follower by the way.

    1. Thanks so much for following Andrea! You made my day. Only six months? Well, I'm sure there'll be plenty more of these link-ups for you to join in with in the future. They're so fun, aren't they?

  5. I loved doing the lunch table topic. That was a lot of fun.

    Check out my TTT and Unpopular Opinions Tag.

    1. It really was, wasn't it? So many good characters to invite. Thanks for visiting Lauren.

  6. Ooh, thank you for linking to your posts, I'm going to go read them now!

    I've never done a top ten Tuesday post, but they seem fun! I should join in sometime! :)


    1. You should definitely give them a go at least once. It's so much fun sharing favourite books, characters and the like. I love seeing what everyone else shares too.

  7. Those are some interesting topics Imogen. I've never done the Top Ten Tuesday. I think I'm too young :P
    Melanie :)

    1. You could probably do something similar if you didn't want to join in with the actual link-up. You could think up your own topics and share your own top ten favourites. Or any number you like.

  8. Ooh, these are some great topics! I'm going to go read all of them :D I might try doing Top 10's (probably Top 5s, I won't be able to think of 10 :P)

    a little bit of sunshine

    1. To tell the truth, sometimes I've only listed five favourites. I don't think it really matters how many you put in really. I don't think the kind folks at 'The Broke and the Bookish' mind at all. You should definitely give it a go. It's ever so much fun.

  9. Top Ten Tuesdays are always fun to read (although I've never had an interest in doing them myself. I guess I'm weird like that). I think the one I remember best is what books you'd like to see were turned into movies because H.I.V.E. was on that list, and it wasn't from too long ago. XD

    1. I totally understand that. There are heaps of bookish tags I've seen that I've really enjoyed reading, especially on Cait's blog, but I have no inclination to join in myself. I try and sneak H.I.V.E into quite a few lists. It's surprisingly not talked about much to my knowledge, which is so sad, isn't it? My family all love the books. Even my mum has read some of them.

  10. Some great lists. I especially liked the movie one- so many good picks there, Pirates of caribbean, the avengers...

    1. There are just so many good movies to pick from. I had such a terrible time trying to pick only ten. There are so many ways one can tell or experience a good story, aren't there?
