Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo

Right now, we’re over a week into March, which mean two things. 1) It’s almost time for Camp NaNoWriMo, and 2) I’m well past my deadline for finish editing Snow. The plan was to have Snow finished by the end of February, but of course that hasn’t happened. However, I am 60k/80k of the way through, so hopefully it will be finished well in time for Camp NaNoWriMo. Planning for which event is my other main writing concern this month.

Camp NaNoWriMo is always exciting because you get to pick your own goal, and, if you feel like writing something different, you can pick a project type, such as editing, which is what I hope to do in the second Camp NaNoWriMo later this year. I particularly like being able to choose my own word goal and make my own challenge. For this first session, I decided that, after all this editing I’m doing right now, drafting something new would be a nice break from the heavy work Snow has required.

So, what am I planning on writing? Well, I’m glad you asked that question. At this point in time, I’m probably going to rewrite one of my fantasy books. Again. For the second time. Somehow this always seems to happen. I’ll write a bad first draft. Then I’ll scrap it and write a somewhat less terrible draft. And then, if I’m really unlucky, I’ll scrap that one as well and write a completely new first draft. It happened with The Crystal Tree, one of my other fantasies, and with several of my other books too.

This particular book is currently titled The Dragon Thief. Which, I admit, is a terrible title considering the main character is the thief and she is in no way a dragon. However, she does have a dragon as a friend and companion, so that almost makes the title fit, right? (I really need to come up with a better one. Help!) So far I know it’s about dragons (yay!), thieves (also yay. I love a good story about thieves), and a bargain struck for freedom. And that’s about all I know about it at the moment. However, it does have a Pinterest board for inspiration, and this month, as well as finishing editing Snow, I’m also planning The Dragon Thief.

So, that’s where I’m at this week. But tell me, where are you at with your current project? Are you doing Camp NaNoWriMo? If so, do you know what you’re going to be writing yet? If not, have you ever considered giving it a go?


  1. *dashes off to stalk your pinterest*
    OMG SO I LOVE DRAGONS AND THIEF STORIES SO I AM INTENSELY EXCITED FOR THIS PROJECT OF YOURS. *throws confetti in the air* I loooove your pinterest too. :') We need more dragon stories in the world. HUZZAH! I wrote a dragon book for NaNo last year which was sooo much fun. I'm not 100% sure I'm joining in on NaNo in April officially? Like I might?? BUT I HAVEN'T DECIDED YET. XD I have too many stories to write and no time to do it. :P
    Good luck for finishing off your edits!

    1. I love dragon stories too! Also, I remember your dragon story. It sounded so amazing. We need lots more dragon stories for sure. I actually haven't managed to find many to read really, except for younger readers. What is this? We need dragon books too! Oh, thank you! I'm loving Pinterest at the moment. Probably too much actually. But it's such fun to put together boards for books!

  2. I feel you with editing! I wanted to finish editing in February too but it didn't happen. XD My new goal is to finish before Camp NaNo. I'm almost there! I'm doing some polishing (looking for weasel words, formatting, spelling, etc.) and then I'm writing a proposal (ick) and then it's off to the publisher who requested it! I'm doing Camp NaNo as well even though I've started the book this month since I want to spread the weight between two month so no NaNoWriMo craziness yet. XD My goal is 20K for this month and 30K for next month, so this month is the warm up month where all my insecurities bother me for the first week blah blah blah. XD Best wishes with writing and editing!

    1. Oooh, so exciting! I hope everything goes really well with your book. That must be amazing, to have a publisher requesting your book. That sounds like a sensible way to do Camp NaNoWriMo, as motivation to write without all the stress and craziness of NaNo months. Good luck with it!

  3. I might do Camp NaNo! I never get to do actual NaNo because November is my busiest month of the year in terms of schoolwork - hopefully, April will be different. I would probably try to write 20k - 30k of my contemporary retelling of the lives of some of the great artists, or maybe of my contemporary witch story.....that last one still has a lot of plotting to be figured out, though, so maybe not.

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

    1. November seems to be a really bad month for a lot of people. The Camps are definitely a lot more convenient. I also love the fact that you can set your own goal and project. It's nice to have such flexible options, isn't it? That sounds like a great goal for your Camp. Good luck with it!

  4. I'm sorry you're still behind. :( Hopefully you'll catch up soon. There must be some weird editing-slump virus going around. That would explain a lot of things. *takes notes* I'd let you borrow one of my caged muses, but they seem to have all escaped.

    1. It certainly sounds like it. I've heard quite a few people bewailing editing issues. At least I"m not alone, though I feel bad for everyone else. Tis a terrible pain! Dear me, we'd better start a hunt for the missing muses at once. Shall I mobilize the troops?
