Monday, 4 April 2016

Discussion: Writer's Block

For a lot of people, April means Camp NaNoWriMo. And even if you’re not participating in Camp this month, chances are you’re writing, editing, or creating with words in some form or another. Which means that, eventually, there’s a high likelihood you might come to a day when the words refuse to come, the ideas hide in their burrows, and the caged muses you have hanging up in your workspace all slip their bars and flee. Unpleasant as this is to consider, for most of us, it’s going to happen at some point or other.

Personally, I hate writer’s block. For me, it comes with complete apathy about writing, or even sometimes outright avoidance and loathing for the very idea of working on books. Neither option is very pleasant. However, over time I’ve found that my writer’s block comes in a couple of different forms, which makes dealing with it a little easier. These are:

Something’s wrong
My subconscious knows when there’s something wrong with my writing well before I do and starts giving me little nudges about it. And I don’t want to admit it, so I get blocked. I simply can’t move on. Which uncomfortable situation I will remain in until I cave and admit that yes, I’ve made a huge mistake early on in the book and actually this is making no sense. Then, I can either go back and fix it, or make a note of what I need to fix later, and then push on as if I’ve already made the changes.

I’m tired and creatively empty
I’ve probably been writing and creating a lot recently, and at this point, the creative well is dry The ideas aren’t coming and I don’t feel like I have any more words in me. I could push on during this type of block, but what I write is usually pretty terrible. I do better if a take a day off, sleep well, read, watch movies, look at pictures, whatever works at that moment in time, and rest and recuperate a bit before I try writing again.

I’m not blocked, I’m just lazy
And then there are those days where I think I have writer’s block and actually I’m just a lazy little thing and I don’t want to make the effort to write. In which case, there’s only one cure, and that’s to get my behind in the chair and start punching out some words. The act of writing usually clears this right up.

So, the question I’d like to ask you guys today is, how do you deal with writers block? Are you prepared for it before it happens? What do you do when it strikes? Are you able to push through and creative even when you’re feeling blocked? How to do inspire yourself again? Books? Movies? Music? Pictures? Long periods of crying under a blanket? Building a pillow fort? What advice would you give someone going through writer’s block right now? Let’s discuss!


I couldn't let the date pass without mentioning it at least briefly, but Gossiping With Dragons turned two on April 1st (in my opinion possibly one of the worst days to have a blogaversary on, what with all the pranking and such going round.) And I just wanted to say thank you, to all of you who read my blog. I've met, become friends with, and gotten to know better so many people over the last year, and I've certainly learned a lot about blogging, writing, and just being a person from you all. Thank you so much for all your support, for the discussions we've had, the fun times, and the thoughts you've given me. May the third year be even better than the last!

And, in honour of this occasion, I have revamped a couple of things on the blog. The most obvious is, of course, the new header. What do you think? Like it? No? Probably the biggest change is that my Novels page is no longer under construction! Yep, that's right. After two years, I've finally got information on my seven major projects up, so if you're interested in learning more about my books, you should definitely check it out!


  1. I loved this post. Thanks so much for the great thoughts! When I get writers block, I write in the lead up to a big plot twist or exciting moment like, "But it wasn't that calm for a long time." And then I just run with it. I write sentence by sentence, having absolutely no idea where it's leading me. It's actually really fun. I might definitely take that part out in the end, but sometimes it leads to something awesome and even when it doesn't it gets me out of a tight spot. I love the new header! Also, I recently started posting on my blog and I would be grateful if you checked it out.

    1. Sometimes stepping into the unknown like that and just rolling with whatever happens instead of trying to twist everything to fit is a glorious way to beat that writer's block, isn't it? I often fin my best discoveries that way. Sometimes the subconscious mind is super creative and deserves a chance to lead the way for sure. Thanks for visiting, and congratulations on starting posting on your own blog

    2. Precisely. And very well said. It can be amazing what goes on in the back of my head! Thank you.

  2. 2 actually happens a lot more for me than 1. It's even worse when I just feel very down and know that writing would help get some of that out of my system but just feel too lazy to do it ... and then my feelings go into a downward spiral until I'm stuck in an even worse block ;D

    Happy blogversary, and nice new header!

    1. Ugh, that is the worst feeling ever. I think it's so bad because you know what would make it better, but you just can't write and get it all out. That is not a fun sort of writer's block to have at all.

  3. Happy blogaversary!
    I'm currently suffering from a bit of writer's block - with literally all my WIPs. HELP. For me, it's because I pantsed my way through the first third or so of all my novels, and now I'm sitting here like "I HAVE NO PLOT IDEAS BUT CRAP I NEED PLOT IDEAS TO CONTINUE". xD

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

    1. Eep, that's the worst timing ever for writer's block to strike! I know this feeling so well though. Sometimes, what helps me, is to take one of my projects and write a list or two about it. Things I know about the story, cool things I want to add, random revelations I came up with about the plot. Sometimes this kickstarts a few ideas. I hope you find your inspiration again soon!

  4. "I'm not blocked, I'm just lazy." Yup. Sounds like me. FORCING myself to put stuff down on a page and/or browsing Pinterest usually solves my problem!

    1. Pinterest is such a great source of inspiration, isn't it? I spend far too much time on there really (as evidenced by my huge boards for books I haven't even started plotting yet!), but it's so inspiring! I can't count the amount of ideas I've picked up from browsing Pinterest. Thanks for stopping by, Laura.

  5. Happy Blogoversary! I'm also doing some spiffin' on my blog because of my birthday this week! This is a neat discussion. I usually push through when I get writers block.

    1. I love what you've done to your blog. It's looking great! Yeah, sometimes pushing through is the only way to get anything done, isn't it? It's tough, but at least it pays off. Thanks for stopping by Victoria!

  6. If I'm just feeling lazy I usually drink coffee or consume something chocolatey while writing. It usually stimulates the creative brain cells. :D If I am simply stuck or can't find anything to write about, I'll often just get a blank page and write whatever comes to mind.
    Happy Blogaversary! :D

    1. Chocolate and coffee are definitely great ways to help break through writer's block. A jolt of caffeine or sugar really gets those creative brain cells in gear! Ooh, that's a good way of breaking writer's block. I haven't tried that one before.

  7. I think the first two happen to me a lot, and I think it's kind of a cyclical thing that can happen, not necessarily on a certain WIP, but in the perfect storm that is in my life. But that is okay.

    Also, congrats on your blogoversary! :) I love the header, and I love the content you share with us here. Keep up the excellent work!

    1. It's hard when life gives you writer's block isn't it? I don't know about you, but I definitely find it much harder to find the inspiration and motivation when I'm physically tired, or things are all over the place and everything's busy and disorganised.

      Thank you so much! And thank you especially for being here as a reader. You've been one of my most regular readers for ages, and I always love chatting to you in the comments.
