Camp NaNoWriMo

Why I Will Always Be A Pantser

I have always loved pantsing my way through a novel, throwing myself headlong into the rush of creating a story without any clear idea of where I’m going or what I’m doing. I like the huge mess that pantsing leaves me with slightly less, and the fact that I need to redraft these books two or three times before I find a plot...


Camp NaNoWriMo

My First Draft Is A Mess That's Ok With That: A Video

It’s week two of Camp NaNoWriMo, and I’ve recorded another vlog about how I’m going. I’m coming to the realisation that this draft is an absolute mess. And you know what? I’m perfectly ok with that. In the vlog, I explain why. Also, as an extra little bonus, here’s an excerpt from my Camp NaNo Novel. It is woefully unedited and first draft-y...


Camp NaNoWriMo

Some Thoughts On Comparisons

It’s Camp NaNoWriMo right now, which means that I am deep, deep into writing a new first draft. I mentioned in my bonus vlog on Mondaythat one of the things I’ve been struggling with the most so far this month is switching my brain from ninth draft mode, where things are partially polished and fairly sound structurally, to a messy, rough, plot hole...


Camp NaNoWriMo

First Drafts and Sequels: A Video

As many of you already know, even if you’re not participating, Camp NaNoWriMo started on Saturday. For me, it’s already day 3, I’m pushing through my word count, getting into the swing of things, and I got the urge to try something a bit different and make a video to talk to you about what I’m writing, what challenges I’m facing this time,...


Camp NaNoWriMo

The Uncharted Road

Camp NaNoWriMo starts in April. A month long excuse to pour out words onto the page in an adrenaline fuelled rush? A chance to banish the inner editor and the little demon who sits on your shoulders whispering judgement on what you’re writing? Count me in! It’s time to gear up with other writers to commit to writing your book. I love every...



Write When You Can

I think most writers have a dream of having long, uninterrupted stretches of time in which to write. Time when people aren’t disturbing them, time not squeezed in around study, work, and other commitments. I know I often wish for more time for my writing. Even though I can literally arrange my day any way I like, writing still has to compete with...



Writing Is Hard and Messy and Worth It

Writing is a strange occupation. The moment we need to write, our brains instantly push us to go and do something else: post on Twitter, wash the dishes, walk the dog, create an elaborate five tiered tiramisu cake. Any, as long as it isn’t writing. And yet, the feeling of having written is one of the best. Often, we write just for the...


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