Monday, 22 September 2014

3 Reasons Why You Should Write Regularly

I am a big fan of events such as NaNoWriMo and the Go TeenWriters 100 for 100 challenge. I love them for many reason; the drive it gives me to write, the support from other writers, and the knowledge that I’m not the only one writing. But one of the things I love the most about it is that it forces me to write every day. It’s hard work. Often I don’t feel like writing every day. But to reach my goal, that is what I need to do. Even when I’m not involved with these events though, there are plenty of reasons to write regularly. And to prove it, I’ve made a list.

You’ll create a habit: It’s always hard to start doing something regularly. But as writers, we need to work on our books regularly. The more days we work on it, the stronger the habit we’ll be forming. The stronger the habit, the easier it gets to sit down and get that writing done, even on the days when it’s hard to get into that zone.

You’ll make more progress: This one is just common sense. The more we work on our books, the more gets done. It’s easy to have one brilliant writing day every so often and forget the book in between. But the best progress is made when writing is done regularly. The more you work, the more gets done. It’s a simple as that.

You will improve your writing: Just like you need to practice an instrument regularly to be able to play it properly, you need to practice your writing regularly to improve your skills. The more you write, the better you'll get at it.

So there you have it. Three reasons why you should get into the habit of writing regularly. It’s something that I struggle with often, but the rewards are so worth it. Of course it’s not easy to build up this habit, but it is possible. Maybe next week I might post some tips to help build a writing habit.

Do you write regularly? What other reasons can you think of to write regularly? Would you like to see a post on tips to build the writing habit?

There’s plenty more writing related fun on the Gossiping with Dragons Facebook page. Why not hop over and see what else there is to discover?


  1. I should write regularly, but I don't. I need to, but I don't. It's a good idea, but I don't. But I'm doing the 100-for-100... But that's not really a long-term commitment.

    I'll have to work on it. Hard. Maybe those posts would be good, help a sister out. XD

    1. The 100 for 100 is a great way to start making that commitment. It's 100 days of trying to write every day after all, so it's a great basis for building that habit. Not that 100 for 100 is always easy either, but it's great that you're doing it! Good luck. Hopefully my tips will give you a little help. I believe you can get to the end!

  2. I don't write regularly. *hides in cone of shame* And I feel awful because I COULD HAVE joined up for the 100x100 I just felt zero motivation to. Plus I get to be in the 20yrs category which feels like cheating since it's Go Teen Writers. *shrugs* I should write more regularly and the points you made are spot on! I just get burned out and end up reading more books's easier. But I claim it for research. ;-)

    1. You write so much when you do write that I don't think it matters that you don't write regularly. After all, who's actually got an agent and is going to be published at some point? You can definitely count all those books as research. Besides, books are awesome. Who needs an excuse about reading?

  3. Yes, writing is really important >.> the problem with me is that I lack solid ideas. I can't sit down and just write about one things because I get bored really easily D: But good post! I'll try writing even more than I do now (:

    1. It's difficult to stick to one project sometimes, isn't it? I sometimes have to work very hard to stay focused. I know some people work better when they have more than one project on the go. Maybe you're one of those people. You blog regularly, which is great too. Any sort of writing done regularly is great. Thanks for visiting!

  4. I totally agree to that ! even though sometimes i really feel lazy .. but then sometimes I get lots of ideas that come into my mind what to write and blog which is definitely weird but cool haha :)


    1. Oh I know that feeling of laziness. The times of inspiration are the best though, aren't they? I tend to get a whole lot of inspiration all at once and then spend the next few months trying to catch up. Thanks for commenting!

  5. Your posts are always the best.
    This one was so inspiring and I'm making a bigger effort now!
    Charlie xx

    1. Aw, thanks Charlie. I'm so glad you enjoy them and I'm glad I inspired you to write more. I know I don't do enough myself, and I think I'm going to have to make a bigger effort too. We can try together!
