
Beautiful People September Edition: Villains



I love villains. They’re evil, scheming, and sometimes downright crazy. Some of my favourite characters happen to be villains. So when I saw that questions for this month’s Beautiful People link-up, hosted by Notebook Sisters and Further Up and Further In, were meant for villains, I just knew I had to join in. This month I’m going to be answering five of the ten questions for the villain of my current book, The Crystal Tree, Sachio.

Sachio is a magician with the dangerous gift of being able to control people’s actions and thoughts through the power of song. He’s probably my most favourite villain I’ve ever written. He’s smooth and cunning and careful, and most definitely evil.

What is their motive? Sachio was going to be king before people found out he had magic. The rules say kings can’t have magic because it’s too easy to use magic for bad things, so he wasn’t allowed to be the heir anymore. Except Sachio doesn’t think that’s fair and he wants to make things right by taking the throne for himself. Basically, life isn’t fair.

What do they want, and what are they prepared to do to get it? Sachio wants to be king, it’s a simple as that. And he’s prepared to do pretty much anything to achieve his goal. He controls his brother by magic, making him go a little crazy, and has his own nephew branded a traitor and sentences to be executed. He’s a pretty dedicated guy.

How do they deal with conflict? Sachio deals with conflict either by squashing it with magic, which is his preferred method of quelling such problems, or by having his minions kill or imprison the people who annoy him. He’s not a big fan of conflict, even little every day arguments. He’s probably afraid of losing.

If they were writing this story, how would it end? It would end with him on the throne, his brother disappeared off somewhere, or maybe serving him, and his annoyingly persistent nephew executed or imprisoned for life. Whatever the ending, it would have him sitting on a throne, probably sipping iced tea as his minions wait on him hand and foot.

What is their weapon of choice? Magic and threats. He can be a pretty scary person when he’s making threats, even without using magic, because he’s pretty sure to carry through with them. And magic makes everything so much easier. Between these two things, Sachio’s pretty confident of winning.

“I should have been the king. I was born to be a king.” Sachio lifted his chin, resting one hand on the edge of the heavy wooden desk in an obviously dramatic pose.

“And then you were gifted with magic,” Kade said. “The rules-”

“I know about the rules.” Sachio’s face twisted into an animal-like snarl. “I live with the consequences of those rules every day of my life. Every day I have to walk through the castle and watch my younger brother rule the kingdom in my place. It was my destiny. It is my destiny. I’m merely trying to put things back the way they should have been.”

So there you are, a little more about my favourite villain Sachio. Link me to your Beautiful People posts! I’d love to meet your villains!

Come and see me on the Gossiping with Dragons Facebook page. There's plenty more fun to be had over there. I'd love to see you there.

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  1. I love this post! The Crystal tree sounds like such an interesting book!:)
    The Journeys' of my beating heart

    1. Thanks June! I do love my little book, and especially my villain, so I was excited to have the chance to share him with you all.

  2. Villains are absolutely my favorite characters in general, hands down. I love the excerpt you've included of Sachio's voice; I feel like I could really get to loving this guy.

    1. They are just so awesome, aren't they? I edited that bit right before I wrote the post and I though 'oh this would be perfect to include' so I'm really glad you liked it. I kinda love Sachio myself. He's evil, there's no question about that. But everything makes perfect sense to his mind, and he's ever so genteel while he's ruining people's lives.

    2. *shakes head* Stop enticing me to think about something I can't read! ;)

    3. This comment made me laugh. Normally I don't manage to get people that interested in my book for some reason. Success today!

  3. I love villains. I so totally love yours!

    1. Thanks Kat. He's an interesting character. Smooth, driven, and endearingly bad. I think he's the best villain I've written so far.

  4. I love this! And OMG I HAVE A YOUNGER-OLDER PRINCE RIVALRY TOO! hahaha Sachio sounds so cool--in an evil way, of course. Totally subscribing to you. ;)

  5. Aw, thanks Rachel. Wow, really? That's so cool! I've always loved the older/younger rivalry, and making them royal just seems to escalate it. Thanks so much for the follow. You made my day!

    1. Haha, I'm glad! ^.^ and hehe yeah, I was reading your answers, and I thought, "Wait. . . that sounds familiar. . . ." Isn't royalty just so much fun to mess with? ;D

    2. Royalty sure are. The repercussions of their rivalry are just so big that there's plenty to play with. Add the fate of a country into anything and it turns into something epic!


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