Writing Music: Now We Are Free


YouTube musician Taylor Davis’ music never fails to inspire me when I need a bit of a creative boost. Because much of her music comes from movies and video games, it’s already perfectly suited to storytelling and is exceptionally good at conjuring up images and ideas in my mind. When I was trying to decide on a piece for this week’s writing music post, I naturally gravitated to her songs. If you haven’t checked out her music yet, you totally should.

This piece of music sounds like a quiet celebration to me, with the drum beat underneath. It suggests a moment of wonder, or happiness at a smaller goal achieved, rather than the main story problem. It would also fit a moment of peaceful, happy reflection. To me this piece feels like it would fit a fantasy story perfectly.

What genre do you think this piece would suit? What are you listening to this week? Recommend me some new music!

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  1. She's a beautiful singer with beautiful music. And she plays the violin! ;) Honestly, I'm not the best to go to for music. I just like what everyone else is liking. I'm boring like that. Haha. Love this blog!


  2. I start with what everyone else is listening to actually too. I found Taylor Davis through another musician she collaborated with. Musical links like that are the best way to find new music in my opinion. Thanks for visiting!

  3. I love Taylor! She's amazing:)
    Have you ever heard Miracle Vell Magic? It's really good (if you love Disney), but not something I would write to.
    Also I have tagged you for the big helper tag!

    1. I haven't heard of Miracle Vell Magic before, but I shall definitely go and check it out. I love Disney, so it sounds perfect for me. Thanks so much for the recommendation.

      Thank you so much for the tag. I really appreciate it. I'll have to hop straight over to your blog and check it out at once.


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